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December 26, 2013

The Akashic Records


With the "New Year" quickly approaching the Akashic Records have steadily been on my mind. I first started trying to work with the Akashic Records in March 2012. The first time I actually entered the records I was elated. Actually, I thought I made the whole thing up until I did the fact checking process. Asking a question and receiving an answer to something I had no knowledge. After I exited the Records I verified the information.

Let me not get too far ahead of myself, I know most people aren't familiar with the Records. (You will always see me capitalize "Records" because it is an entity that must be respected, like an extension or essence of God.) When I mention the Akashic Records or the Akashic field to friends, they give me the "deer in headlights" look. The Sanskrit meaning of Akasha is space or ether.
"Everything that has form, everything that is the result of combination, is evolved out of this Akasha... It cannot be perceived; its is so subtle that it is beyond all ordinary perception." - Yogi Swami Vivekananda
My mom had followed Paramahamsa Yogananda and the Self-Realization Fellowship since the late 1940's. She had never mentioned the Akasha to me, so I find irony that as an adult I found my way to the Records. But then again if you knew the story of my mom it wouldn't be that surprising. Paramahamsa Yogananda had a deep an rich understanding of spirituality.
"God's consciousness that is the repository of everything that is, was, or will be- can be extended into visible words, the so-called Akashic Records written in the ether; or into audible sounds vibrating from the ether; or into Akashic exclamations, cognizable odors, flavors, or tactual sensations; or into true visions, or illuminating thoughts, or intuitive or vibrations of pure feeling or will." - Paramahamsa Yogananda
Since I've been doing readings I feel like I need to get back to working with the Akashic Records. First, I need to heal and work on the changes needed within my life. Second, so that I may work through the Records to help others in their healing process. The cards are a great way for me to clarify situations or acknowledge energies in someone's life, but the Akashic Records are the ultimate source of clarification. My understanding of the Records is you can actually request to change your soul contracts, receive healing for past lives, and clear other karmatic linked issues.

I only know a few people who are aware of the Records existence. It would be nice to find more. I wonder how most people would feel to know that if they wanted to learn they could read the story of their own soul. It isn't an easy process, but it is one that others can learn. I often wonder why it took this long for me to want to go back and continue working on my own record. Like most things, you have to be ready. I definitely wasn't ready and probably wouldn't have been permitted had I tried. (Just because you ask doesn't grant entrance.) But I am now, so that is all that matters.


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