As I arise in the morning, my brain begins firing off all the things I processed while I slept. Usually, I ask about a theme for my day or something that will assist in self-growth. Today instead of asking for myself I asked about a friend. The message was "Seven of Wands" which is just the message this person needs.
The numbers seven, eight and nine in tarot means a situation is almost at an end. The number ten signals the completion of a cycle. Seven is a divine number, as is three. The bible is full of sevens, from the Book of Genesis to Revelations. The Kabbalah teaches the number seven is perfection in the natural world.
Seven is a number of manifestation. The first thing required in the manifestation process is intent. Planning, preparation, energy, conviction, strength in adversity, creating a strong hold, a defensive position to see your vision through. Stand your ground is what rings in my mind.
This particular card is from the "Legacy of the Divine", my personal deck which no one is allowed to touch. Looking at this card I see the wands as all the decisions made to arrive in the place he is now standing. He is reflecting on what he has overcome, assessing the decisions made to get to this point. What's on the other side of the threshold is yet to be seen, but he has the courage, steadfastness, and strength to continue standing his ground. Moving closer to his goal.
The "Steampunk" the deck is the one I allow my clients to handle, so I feel as if this card is more expressive of the needs of my friend. This card depicts beautifully the sheer determination of the woman. Standing tall prepared for what is to come next. Her platform is above all the perils she overcame to reach her high ground. She has come too far to go back. The difference in the two cards to me, is one is spending more time reflecting, while the other looks ready to continue moving forward with ferocity.
Normally, when a client picks this card I ask what they are defending or why they feel the need to be defensive. Most don't realize they're being defensive or aware of the inner dialog seeping out to the exterior world. Others know and acknowledge it's from the long weary battle they're fighting. Because I'm somewhat familiar with this person's situation, I know this is not about being defensive, it's about taking a stance and not compromising for anyone.
Surround yourself with those who will help you maintain the energy needed to see this leg of the journey through. You will not fail, you are almost there. This is a card of fire, lots of energy and action. You have the strength, even if you feel as if you don't, the card is signaling this energy. It comes from a subconscious layer in which you need to align.
How to Downsize Your Tarot Deck Collection
2 days ago
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