So, I've signed up for the Spartan Race in May. So excited! I've decided it's time to eat and live clean. The last time I did well with this lifestyle I was not involved with my kids dad. He seem's to be the reason I lose sight of the important things...Everytime! I've also noticed how keen my sense of smell has become lately. The things I used to like taste and smell poisoned in some ways.
I think the more time you spend on paying attention to the things around you, all your senses are heightened. It's a good and a bad thing. I can smell people and their habits. I can taste things that seem impure. I guess it's time to just make the change. I'm not asking it of anyone else. But there is no doubt I can't go in the direction that I want, holding onto the things of the past.
Only hold on to what will benefit you, your higher-self. Lifting weights and running have always been things I enjoy. So I will not let go of those things. Poisonous relationships, toxic people and foods must all go. Change is always a good thing.
How to Downsize Your Tarot Deck Collection
2 days ago
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