My kids called me requesting I pick up taco's from their favorite taco spot. This particular place is not much to look at, but has the best chicken and fish tacos. And no, I don't mean chicken and fish in one taco, that's just gross. As I'm turning onto the street that leads to the drive-thru, I see a frail old homeless lady standing on the corner holding a sign. The sign says, "Anything helps." Homeless in this particular area is pretty common, but she was old and tiny so it bothered me more than usual.
My kids dad used to complain I gave too much to the homeless. Notice I didn't call him my husband, because he has been placed on "ex" and "kids dad" status. Partly because of this very attitude. So I started buying food gift cards to give the homeless when I saw them. I had two McDonalds gift cards, but I thought, "Hey I'm already at the taco spot I'll just buy her tacos."
I ordered the food, drove around the block because I couldn't get to her from where the drive thru emptied out. Pulling up to the lady, I roll down my window, hand her $5 and two tacos. She reached into the car grabbed the two tacos with the $5 on top. I smile at her. She grumbles, turns around, then throws the tacos into the bushes, and pockets the $5. Now my first inclination was, "What the hell!" Actually, it was, "what the F'k" but hell sounds better.
As I drove away I actually started laughing. One reason being, I could hear my kids dad in my head saying, "See, this is why I'm like that." But the other reason was because her sign said, "anything helps." I guess she meant anything but tacos help. I also find irony in her attitude. People are hungry for knowledge and ask me to tell them anything I can in a reading. When I do, and it isn't what they want, well it's tacos in the bushes all over again.
My point is the universe gives us what we need, not what we want. If we have a lack of appreciation for what is given and obviously need, we will never be happy with what we have. There is a lesson in every trial, complication, and unwanted situation. I always ask the questions that my querent wants me to ask, but I also receive more information on what is needed than what is wanted. So there may be insight on the original question(s), but if the querent has been ignoring issues, I get more info on what is preventing them from achieving what they want.
I don't know if it's just me, but don't you ever notice when you don't get what you want something better comes along? Maybe it's just my optimistic view of things.