I had a client ask me about dream walking, a technique that allows you to intend your way into another individuals dream's. Dream walking is an advanced technique based on Lucid Dreaming. Lucid dreaming is when you are sleeping, but you're conscious. I've never really had to practice a particular technique to achieve this state, it just happens if I intent it. Back at the beginning of my marriage I would dream walk when my ex was overseas. It didn't happen often, because he ended up in long periods of sleep deprivation.
The biggest issue with most people is dream recall. That has never been an issue for me, my dream recall is phenomenal. The key is not to jump up the second you wake up. I replay my dream, but the best thing is to write or voice record it. Last night, I had a lucid dream that reminded me of the effect the conscious and subconscious can have when working in sync. For those who don't understand that statement, let me say it differently. When lucid dreaming your pain and pleasure sensors are intact. For example, I was grabbed by my forearm and lifted into the air. On the releasing of the grip, while I was shouting "NOW!!!" I woke up. When I woke up, I was shouting 'now' in real life and could feel the pain searing through my forearm.
What happened? I was asleep but my conscious was not. As I navigated this particular dream, my physical sensory never turned off. My subconscious whips up the landscape an theme, this time it was expelling demons, my conscious made my body feel the physicality's of the dream. The best thing about lucid dreaming is being able to control the dream. There was no fear when this beast picked me up, it enabled me to look it in the face and demand it be gone. Kinda my theme now days. Cutting the through the crap.
I also blame this dream on too much garlic. I've been refining my foods, so there is less processed sugars and starches and lots of the healthy fats. I made an awesome veggie stir-fry, but I went crazy with the garlic. The demons in my dream were all the things of the past I've been clearing, taking back control over my life. So as painful as the grip felt, the liberation from actively taking part, not being a passive observer, felt even better.
Most people think you can't control your dreams, but you can, set an intention. Everything in this world is based on your mind. Intention is the key. Try it and let me know how it works for you.
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