I've created new and deeper boundaries for myself recently. Part of those boundaries was cutting individuals out of my life and making peace with situations at hand. My Ex-husband and I are separated, yet we cohabitate depending on the day of the week and his situation. I know it's odd. That situation is dissolving very, very soon. I was guided to stay still so I have and now as the world unfolds, so does my situation.
I used to feel like I had to explain myself, why. Honestly, it's no one's damn business and if you want to judge me, that's none of my business. I can't do anything about another's thoughts. Besides the point of why I'm writing this. There was someone so close to my heart, but I realized I cared more than this individual did. Once I ended up in a situation in such great turmoil and I couldn't even get a "How are you doing?" Let's just say it was a real eye opener. I'm not angry about it, but I've definitely cut them out my life for the time being.
This leads me to my current spread. Today for the first time in a while I was compelled to look at their situation. What I saw coming absolutely breaks my heart. In the past I would have written and gave some warning, but it's not my place. Every fiber of my being wants to scream "WATCH OUT!! Danger ahead." They created the terms of our one way relationship. Now all I can do is pray and hope for the best.
This is the reading.
The current situation is based on the Judgement in reverse, meaning the constant deliberation of the major decision at hand is causing missed opportunities. The Challenge of the High Priestess is changes need to be made, not hearing her wisdom will force a situation that free will is no longer and option. The only thing left will be the consequences of indecision. These consequences typically are more uncomfortable than the original situation in which would let you make changes at greater ease.
In the past the alluring and hopeful Star presented as the "Good Idea" fairy, which lead to this very place of indecision you are residing. While the Star is a wishes fulfilled card, it is more idealistic than practical when it's energies are played out alone. The recent fading situation is signified by the Seven of Cups, the seeking of pleasure has derailed you from where you really want to be. Leading to fantasy and confusion.
Without taking action on the situation the best outcome is the 2 of Wands, living by what is known or taking a risk. The clarification of this is highlighted by the 5 of Pentacles, showing life will continue to be challenging, run or walk it's up to you. Along with the 6 of Swords, shows there is nothing you can do besides move forward.
The hardest part of the reading for me is what is next, the immediate future, things we usually can't do anything about, because they are already in play. The Devil, it indicates individuals that want to just use. This is highlighted by the Judgement and 7 of Cups across from it. The clarifications come in with the Knight of Cups, intense passion and 5 of Swords, pleasure at any cost. When you combine the Judgement with Knight of Cups it can create life changing situations, and not in the good way. They are unintentional.
The desire or outward self is wanting security and stability shown by the 10 of Pentacles. But the inward self or environment is in detriment with the 3 of Cups in reverse. This speaks to me about feeling lonely and isolated. Not having a sense of community. The fear here is the 7 of Swords, not wanting to be deceived. The immediate future highlights the outcome, The Tower. Sudden and complete destruction. Clarified by the 8 of Pentacles in reverse, working so hard the bigger picture is missed. Along with the Ace of Swords in reverse, utter chaos and confusion.
The other energies in the reading show there will be a move physical move 6 of Swords and Tower. The Knight of Cups with the Tower also shows the intense nature of changes that will occur. The Seven of Swords with the Devil shows this situation will allow a break from dependency cycles. The Devil with the 5 of Pentacles express the depths of selfishness, abandonment of principles in the pursuit of pleasure and desire. The Star with the Tower allows you to use your intuition and view the situation as a good thing in the long run. This may all be painful but the highlight is with the Seven of Swords with the Star shows you are about to expand your consciousness, setting out to find growth and knowledge.
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