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April 28, 2014



I haven't written in a while, so I thought I should get back to it. Things have changed a lot in my house. Calm is no longer elusive. Der and I have found a way to get along and change the type of relationship that we have. The kids are doing better in school and I'm not irritated with him just in my presence.

This change isn't because of something he has done, it comes from me no longer engaging in the frivolous power struggles. More than anything it's come from me just letting crap go. I've been working more on trusting my instincts and using the cards less. My vision has become clearer, sharper and more accurate than ever. Because I have let go of the people and things that were fogging up my sight I've found a new way to operate. 

I've found my self jolted at times from impressions of individuals that I have tried to put in my past. This weekend brought renewal of faith in my gifts. Working with one young woman I was able to tell her where I saw he fathers cancer. She confirmed the area I saw was were the doctors think his cancer originated. It seems that a particular person is a fast acting catalyst for me. When I'm working things out about this individual I get sudden development of clear sight. 

I've also found a wonderful new board where I have been giving out lots of readings and the feedback is amazing. I never realized how different my reading style is from other individuals. I'm direct, but compassionate and nurturing. This is a good thing to know. It helps me define who and how I work. 

Tomorrow is a big day. The Solar Eclipse is going to bring new light into the world and with it major changes. That means there will be some chaos as well, you have to have a catalyst for change. But placing your faith in a higher place will bring you through the times ahead. 


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